You should always call 911 in any life-threatening emergency. But there are other numbers you can call in situations that are less urgent. For example, you can call your local police department or sheriff’s office and ask for someone in its domestic violence unit.
Tennessee Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-356-6767
Counselors are available 24/7 to help you form a safety plan, point you towards the right places and agencies, or just listen.
Adult Protective Services: 1-888-277-8366
This division of the Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) helps elderly or disabled adults at risk for abuse or neglect who cannot protect themselves.
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-877-237-0004
Call this number to speak to a trained case manager who can use the information you provide to determine the severity of the situation and how best to intervene.
You may also want to contact your local Tennessee Department of Children’s Services office during normal business hours. You can find your local office at
Children’s Advocacy Centers of Tennessee: 615-333-5832
Child Advocacy Centers provide safe, child-friendly locations across Tennessee for helping children and families respond and recover from child abuse.
Child Support Program: 615-313-4880
Operated by TDHS, the Child Support Program can help you obtain child support for your children and establish paternity as needed. Call the number above and dial “7” for connection to the Child Support Office in your area.
Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program: 615-253-3043
Safe at Home protects the confidentiality of a victim’s address on public records and provides an official substitute address. It keeps victims of domestic abuse, stalking, human trafficking, or sexual offenses safe from abusers and offenders who might try to track them down.
Tennessee Department of Correction, Victim Services: 615-253-8145 or 615-253-8128
Stay informed about your abuser’s status within the corrections system—incarceration status, parole hearing dates and decisions, release dates, etc.
Tennessee Board of Probation and Parole, Victim Services: 615-532-8112 or 866-795-7467
The Board of Parole provides services to victims of crime (including domestic abuse) regarding their offenders’ parole status and offers other services to help with the effects of the crime they have experienced.
Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence: 615-386-9406
The Coalition offers information on shelters, emergency financial assistance, legal services, and batterers’ intervention programs.
National Center for Victims of Crime: 1-202-467-8700
This nationwide non-profit offers local assistance for victims of crime, information about crime and its effects, and resources to help victims rebuild their lives. Its Victim Connect service ( or 1-855-484-2846) offers confidential referrals for crime victims.
Branch House
313 Foothills Drive
Hamilton County-Chattanooga Family Justice Center
5705 Uptain Road
Open Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-5:00 PM
(Hours extended until 7:30 PM on 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month)
24-hour crisis line: 423-755-2700
Upper Cumberland Family Justice Center
269 South Willow Ave, Suite E
931-528-1512 or 866-704-1080
24-hour crisis line: 931-526-5197 or
Scott County Family Justice Center
641 Howard H. Baker Highway
Safe Hope Center
512 Roland Avenue
Johnson City
Johnson City / Washington County Family
Justice Center
196 Montgomery Street, Suite 10
Office: 423-722-3720
24-hour crisis line: 423-926-7233
Open 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Knoxville Family Justice Center
400 Harriet Tubman Street
Open Monday-Friday, 8 AM-4 PM
24-hour crisis line: (865) 521-6336
Family Safety Center
1750 Madison Avenue, Suite 600
Open Monday-Friday, 8 AM-4:30 PM
Office: 901-222-4400
24-hour crisis line: (901) 249-7611
Family Safety Center
610 Murfreesboro Pike
Open Monday – Friday, 9 AM-6 PM
Due to ongoing changes in domestic violence services, this list may not reflect all the resources available in your community, and phone numbers very often change without notice. When in doubt, consult your local directory.
Many of these facilities also help with safety planning and court advocacy. They may also offer counseling for survivors of domestic violence or referrals to
professionals who do. Additional counseling services are available in the “Counseling and Other Services” section starting on page 39.
IMPORTANT NOTE: while men can also be victims of domestic violence, some shelters will only take female clients. However, even these facilities can usually find a safe place for a male to stay. No one can completely refuse to help you based on sex or gender.
Anderson County
Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Iva’s Place: 865-816-3481 or 866-239-0871
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Scott County Shelter Society: 423-569-3333
YWCA Knoxville: 865 523-6126 (transitional living facility)
Bedford County
Haven of Hope: 1-800-435-7739 or 931-680-3011
Benton County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712
Bledsoe County
Avalon Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program: 800-641-3434
Blount County
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Iva’s Place: 865-816-3481 or 866-239-0871
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Bradley County
Family Resource Agency/Harbor Safe House: 423-479-9339 or 423-476-3886
Campbell County
Family Services Center, Community Health of East Tennessee: 423-562-8325
Scott County Shelter Society: 423-569-3333
Cannon County
Cannon County SAVE: 615-563-6690
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center: 615-896-2012
Families in Crisis, Inc.: 931-473-6221
Carter County
Change Is Possible (CHIPS): 423-388-8281
Johnson County Safe Haven: 423-727-1914
Safe House: 844-578-7233 (por español: 423-467-3726)
The Shepherd’s Inn – 423-542-0180
Carroll County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Cheatham County
Safe Haven Cheatham County: 615-681-5863
SafeHouse Domestic Violence Shelter: 866-592-6902
Chester County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712
Cocke County
SafeSpace: 1-800-244-5968
Claiborne County
YWCA Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley: 865-523-6126
Clay County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Coffee County
Haven of Hope: 800-435-7739 or 931-680-3011
Crockett County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Cumberland County
Avalon Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program: 800-641-3434
Davidson County
AGAPE / Morning Star Sanctuary – 615-860-0003
The Mary Parrish Center – 615-256-5959 (transitional housing)
YWCA Nashville & Middle Tennessee: 1-800-334-4628
(text line: 615-983-5170)
Dekalb County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Decatur County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Dickson County
Women Are Safe: 800-470-1117
Dyer County
The Haven of Northeast Arkansas: 800-474-1064
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Fayette County
Amanda’s Way: 901-235-1900
Fayette Cares, Inc.: 901-465-3802
YWCA Greater Memphis: 901-725-4277
Fentress County
Avalon Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program: 800-641-3434
Scott County Shelter Society: 423-569-3333
Franklin County
Haven of Hope: 1-800-435-7739 or 931-680-3011
Gibson County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Giles County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
The Shelter, Inc.: 1-800-762-1115 (women only)
Grainger County
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
YWCA Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley: 865-523-6126
Greene County
Change Is Possible (CHIPS): 423-388-8281
Safe House: 844-578-7233 (por español: 423-467-3726)
Grundy County
Families in Crisis, Inc.: 931-473-6221
Hamblen County
YWCA Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley: 865-523-6126
Hamilton County
Partnership for Families, Children and Adults: 423-755-2700
(non-crisis video phone: 423-208-9801)
Hancock County
YWCA Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley: 865-523-6126
Hardeman County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Hardin County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Hawkins County
Safe House: 844-578-7233 (por español: 423-467-3726)
YWCA Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley: 865-523-6126
Haywood County
Amanda’s Way: 901-235-1900 (limited services)
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Henderson County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Henry County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Hickman County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
Women Are Safe: 800-470-1117
Humphreys County
Women Are Safe: 800-470-1117
Houston County
SafeHouse Domestic Violence Shelter 866-592-6902
Jackson County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Jefferson County
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
SafeSpace: 1-800-244-5968
Johnson County
Johnson County Safe Haven: 423-727-1914
Knox County
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Knoxville Family Justice Center: 865-521-6336
Family Crisis Center – 865-637-8000
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Iva’s Place: 865-816-3481 or 866-239-0871
The Salvation Army/The Joy Baker Center: 865-525-9401, ext 421 (women only)
Serenity Shelter: 865-673-6540 (women only)
YWCA Knoxville and the Tennessee Valley: 865-523-6126
Lake County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Lauderdale County
Amanda’s Way: 901-235-1900 (limited services)
The Haven of Northeast Arkansas: 800-474-1064
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Lawrence County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
The Shelter, Inc.: 1-800-762-1115 (women only)
Lewis County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
The Shelter, Inc.: 1-800-762-1115 (women only)
Women Are Safe: 800-470-1117
Lincoln County
Haven of Hope: 1-800-435-7739 or 931-680-3011
Loudon County
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Iva’s Place: 865-816-3481 or 866-239-0871
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Serenity Shelter: 865-673-6540 (women only)
YWCA Knoxville: 865-523-6126 (transitional living facility)
Macon County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Madison County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712
Marion County
Partnership for Families, Children and Adults: 423-755-2700
Maury County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
Marshall County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
Haven of Hope: 1-800-435-7739 or 931-680-3011
New Beginnings Domestic Violence Center: 931-637-7625 (women only)
McNairy County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
McMinn County
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
The H.O.P.E. Center Inc.: 423-745-5289 (women only)
Meigs County
The H.O.P.E. Center Inc.: 423-745-5289 (women only)
Monroe County
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Haven of Hope: 1-800-435-7739 or 931-680-3011
The H.O.P.E. Center Inc.: 423-745-5289 (women only)
Montgomery County
SafeHouse Domestic Violence Shelter 866-592-6902
Serenity House Women’s Shelter: 931-320-9485 (transitional housing)
Moore County
Haven of Hope: 1-800-435-7739 or 931-680-3011
Morgan County
Avalon Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program: 800-641-3434
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Scott County Shelter Society: 423-569-3333
Obion County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
Overton County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Perry County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
Women Are Safe: 800-470-1117
Pickett County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Scott County Shelter Society: 423-569-3333
Putnam County
Cookeville Rescue Mission (faith-based homeless shelter): 931-528-5819
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197 or 931-526-5197
Polk County
Family Resource Agency/Harbor Safe House: 423-479-9339 or 423-476-3886
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Robertson County
HomeSafe, Inc.: 615-452-4315
Rhea County
Avalon Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program: 800-641-3434
Family Resource Agency: 423-479-9339
Roane County
Avalon Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program: 800-641-3434
Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
YWCA Knoxville: 865 523-6126 (transitional living facility)
Rutherford County
Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Center: 615-896-2012
Scott County
Scott County Shelter Society: 423-569-3333
Sequatchie County
Families in Crisis, Inc.: 931-473-6221
Sevier County
Haven House, Inc.: 865-982-1087
Iva’s Place: 865-816-3481 or 866-239-0871
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
SafeSpace: 1-800-244-5968
Shelby County
Amanda’s Way: 901-235-1900 (limited services)
The Haven of Northeast Arkansas: 800-474-1064
YWCA Greater Memphis: 901-725-4277
Smith County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Stewart County
SafeHouse Domestic Violence Shelter 866-592-6902
Serenity House Women’s Shelter: 931-320-9485 (transitional housing)
Sumner County
HomeSafe, Inc.: 615-452-4315
Sullivan County
Abuse Alternatives, Inc.: 423-764-2287 or 800-987-6499
Johnson County Safe Haven: 423-727-1914
Safe House: 844-578-7233 (por español: 423-467-3726)
Tipton County
Amanda’s Way: 901-235-1900
The Haven of Northeast Arkansas: 800-474-1064
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
YWCA Greater Memphis: 901-725-4277
Trousdale County
HomeSafe, Inc.: 615-452-4315
Unicoi County
Change Is Possible (CHIPS): 423-388-8281
Union County
Kent C. Withers Family Crisis Center: 865-637-8000
Van Buren County
Avalon Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program: 800-641-3434
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Washington County
Abuse Alternatives, Inc.: 423-764-2287 or 800-987-6499
Safe House: 844-578-7233 (por español: 423-467-3726)
Warren County
Families in Crisis, Inc.: 931-473-6221
Wayne County
Center of Hope: 931-381-8580
The Shelter, Inc.: 1-800-762-1115 (women only)
Weakley County
WRAP: 1-800-273-8712 (TTY relay 800-848-0298; voice relay 800-848-0299)
White County
Genesis House, Inc.: 800-707-5197
Williamson County
Bridges Domestic Violence Center: 615-599-5777
Wilson County
HomeSafe, Inc.: 615-452-4315
Your city police department or county sheriff’s office may have a domestic violence unit that can start an investigation or provide referrals to services you may need.
Your local Legal Aid Society can provide you with resources and advice to help you escape a marriage or abusive relationship, or to cut legal ties with your abuser. (Please call the corresponding number below before visiting the office.)
Legal Aid of East Tennessee (
Chattanooga: 423-756-4013
Cleveland: 423-303-2266
Johnson City: 423-928-8311
Knoxville: 865-637-0484
Maryville: 865-981-1818
Morristown: 423-587-4850
Legal Aid of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands (
Clarksville: 931-552-6656 or 800-342-3317
Columbia: 931-381-5533 or 866-660-7164
Cookeville: 931-528-7436 or 800-262-6817
Gallatin: 615-451-1880 or 888-475-4150
Murfreesboro: 615-890-0905
Nashville: 615-244-6610 or 800-238-1443
Oak Ridge: 865-483-8454 or 800-483-8457
Tullahoma: 931-455-7000 or 866-898-0171
West Tennessee Legal Services (
Jackson: 800-372-8346 or 731-423-0616 (es español: 800-372-8346)
This number also connects to satellite locations in Dyersburg, Huntington, and Selmer.
Additionally, your local District Attorney’s Office can provide you with information about the court process and protective orders. It can also provide referrals for counseling, emergency shelters, support groups, applications for criminal injury compensation if needed. To find your local District Attorney’s Office, go to The offices are organized by both district and specific county.
Also, provides legal information to people of all genders regarding domestic and sexual violence as well as stalking. Ask your question via their Email Hotline at
This section not only features counseling services, but options for housing, rent, and transportation assistance.
If you or a loved one is severely depressed or actively suicidal, call 911 or any of the following crisis lines:
Adult Statewide Crisis Telephone Line: 1-855-CRISIS-1 (1-855-274-7471)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) (TTY 800-799-4889)
Trevor Lifeline (LGBTQ youth): 1-866-4-U-TREVOR (1-866-488-7386)
Crisis Text Line: text TN to 741741
Your local Human Resource Agency (HRA) may be able to help with childcare,
disability services, employment, food, healthcare, housing, medication, mental health services, utilities, and transportation. Check with your HRA to see what’s available in your area:
You may also call “211” for local help with these issues.
Other county-specific resources:
Anderson County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Bedford County
Benton County
Carey Counseling Center (Counseling, referrals, support groups):
Access Center: 800-611-7757
Adult Crisis Line: 800-353-9918
Blount County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Bradley County
Centerstone Cleveland: 423-464-4357 (Counseling, support groups)
Campbell County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Carroll County
Carey Counseling Center (Counseling, referrals, support groups):
Access Center: 800-611-7757
Adult Crisis Line: 800-353-9918
Chester County
Quinco Mental Health: 731-658-6113 (Counseling, some income-based housing)
(24/7 hotline: 800-532-6339; foreign language services available)
Cocke County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Coffee County
Centerstone Tullahoma: 931-461-1300 (Counseling, support groups)
Davidson County
Decatur County
Quinco Mental Health: 731-658-6113 (Counseling, some income-based housing)
(24/7 hotline: 800-532-6339; foreign language services available)
Dickson County
Centerstone Dickson (Counseling, support groups):
Peer Support Services: 615-441-6178
Ramsey Way: 888-291-4357
Franklin County
Centerstone (Counseling, support groups):
Estill Springs: 931-649-3408
Tullahoma: 931-461-1300
Gibson County
Carey Counseling Center (Counseling, referrals, support groups):
Access Center: 800-611-7757
Adult Crisis Line: 800-353-9918
Giles County
Centerstone Pulaski: 931-363-5438 (Counseling, support groups)
Hamilton County
Hardeman County
Quinco Mental Health: 731-658-6113 (Counseling, some income-based housing)
(24/7 hotline: 800-532-6339; foreign language services available)
Hardin County
Quinco Mental Health: 731-658-6113 (Counseling, some income-based housing)
(24/7 hotline: 800-532-6339; foreign language services available)
Henderson County
Quinco Mental Health: 731-658-6113 (Counseling, some income-based housing)
(24/7 hotline: 800-532-6339; foreign language services available)
Henry County
Carey Counseling Center (Counseling, referrals, support groups):
Access Center: 800-611-7757
Adult Crisis Line: 800-353-9918
Jefferson County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Knox County
Lawrence County
Centerstone Lawrenceburg: 931-762-6505 (Counseling, support groups)
Lewis County
Centerstone Hohenwald: 931-796-5916 (Counseling, support groups)
Lincoln County
Centerstone Fayetteville: 931-433-6456 (Counseling, support groups)
Loudon County
Madison County
Quinco Mental Health: 731-658-6113 (Counseling, some income-based housing)
(24/7 hotline: 800-532-6339; foreign language services available)
Marshall County
Centerstone Lewisburg: 931-359-5802 (Counseling, support groups)
Maury County
McNairy County
Quinco Mental Health: 731-658-6113 (Counseling, some income-based housing)
(24/7 hotline: 800-532-6339; foreign language services available)
Monroe County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Montgomery County
Obion County
Carey Counseling Center (Counseling, referrals, support groups):
Access Center: 800-611-7757
Adult Crisis Line: 800-353-9918
Putnam County
Centerstone Cookeville: 931-303-0665 (Counseling, support groups)
Roane County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Robertson County
Centerstone Springfield: 615-463-6200 (Counseling, support groups)
Rutherford County
Sevier County
Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee: 865-522-7273
(Sexual assault examinations, therapy)
Shelby County
Sullivan County
Family Promise of Greater Kingsport: 423-246-6500
(Services for homeless families)
Sumner County
Centerstone Gallatin: 615-460-4500
(Counseling, support groups)
Washington County
Family Promise of Greater Johnson City: 423-202-7805
(Services for homeless families)
Wayne County
Centerstone Waynesboro: 931-722-3644
(Counseling, support groups)
Wilson County
Weakley County
Carey Counseling Center (Counseling, referrals, support groups):
Access Center: 800-611-7757
Adult Crisis Line: 800-353-9918
Williamson County
We also recommend the reading list compiled by the National Domestic Violence
Hotline, available at
Change can happen rapidly with regard to services, shelters, and resources for survivors of domestic violence, and we ask that you please notify us of any new information in your town or city that you would like included in our next printing of this book. You can send these updates to us at or call us at (615) 292-7027.