Voices of Victims

SKU: 15



This DVD was created by the Office of District Attorney, Nashville, Tennessee. It features six stand-alone segments of survivors sharing how crime has impacted their lives. A portion of the proceeds of this video goes to back to the Office of District Attorney to assist victims of crime with travel, parking, and other needs.

Whitney was killed by a drunk driver the in 1996 after getting a ride home with a friend who had been drinking. Her father, Jack, shares regret that his normally responsible daughter made one bad decision. The driver received a short sentence, but Jack does not give in to bitterness. Instead chooses to honor his daughter’s life by speaking out.

Mary lost her son, Jeffrey, who was struck by a drunk driver while getting out of his car. The driver had already had 3 DUIs before this incident. She talks about the agonizing moments of watching Jeffrey die in the hospital.

Edward was murdered in 1999 when a fight broke out at the home of a friend. He begged for his life before he was shot. The shooter replied, “I’m going to prison anyway.” The gun jammed twice before he shot Edward in the face. Edward’s sister, Tonya, shares the impact of this crime on her life and encourages the viewer to think about choices and consequences. Jerry talks about losing his daughter Sarah, a high-school student and an employee at a fast food restaurant. One day a man broke into the restaurant, stole several thousand dollars and forced Sarah and a co-worker into the cooler and shot them from behind.

Artie was sexually abused by an uncle when he was 10 years old. His parents had recently divorced and his mother mistakenly attributed his behavior problems to the breakup of the family. She had warned her children about “stranger danger,” but Artie was confused because, in his case, the perpetrator was a member of the family. He did eventually tell, and his uncle is now in prison.

Gail fell in love with who she thought was the man of her dreams. Soon after their marriage he began pushing, shoving, and pulling her hair. When the abuse escalated to a brutal beating, she went to the hospital. The police and social worker told her that the abuse would happen again, but Gail chose to reunite with her husband. The violence continued for six more years. For Gail, the turning point was a story on the news about a woman being murdered by her husband.

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