There’s No Place Like Home: Growing Up With Family Violence

SKU: 23



Part one: Denise, 12, and her mother, Christina, moved halfway across the country to flee their abuser and start a new life. Denise witnessed her dad beat her mom for years. She insisted to her mom that they must leave. Cheated out of a childhood, Denise is always hyper-vigilant and overly protective of her mother. They have since sought counseling from the Domestic Violence Division of their local police department.

Part two: Katlin, 19, experienced neglect by his mother and beatings by her boyfriend. He was later rescued by his aunt, Christina Dalpiaz. He has since struggled with substance abuse and suicidal feelings. Christina has dedicated her life to helping Katlin recover and has made a profession of helping victims of family violence. She is the author of Breaking Free, Starting Over: Parenting in the Aftermath of Family Violence.

Part three: Mary and her children Josh, 14, and Ophelia, 12, have only been away from their abuser for a few weeks. To the outside world, he was a well-respected minister. At home he was a monster, slashing mattresses, punching holes in the wall, and controlling their every move. Both children are extremely fearful their stepfather will find them. Josh is constantly on guard, studying military and swat team tactics in case he needs to protect the family. Ophelia, more quiet and reserved, struggles with terrifying dreams. Annie, a childcare facilitator with a local shelter, sees the children in group sessions and is helping them put the pieces of their lives back together.

Part four: Sandy, 45, is nearing the end of a twenty-year sentence for armed robbery. When he entered prison as a young man, he was angry, violent, and did all he could to fight the system. But he eventually decided he needed to break the cycle of violence and take advantage of the programs available in prison. Counseling helped him deal with his dark past. At age 8, he witnessed his father shoot his mother and then commit suicide. Afterwards, he was sexually abused in several different foster homes. He does not make excuses for his past criminal behavior, but believes the physical and sexual abuse are the root causes of his problems as an adult.

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